Tuesday, September 11, 2007

the best story

a year ago, to the day, i was on a plane headed for b.c.
headed for the unknown, and as cheesy as it sounds, towards destiny.

(with a real cheap flight, considering it was september 11)

i boarded the plane that would lead me to a future i could not have imagined. one of adventure, and travelling and taking chances. and of love.

yes, i am feeling sentimental, because a year ago today, i got off the plane in b.c., into the arms of the strange english boy who did two things right, after we met: he made my bed and he phoned the next day.

and everyone who knows me, knows what happened next.

the strange english boy took me on the best date of my life. we ditched his smelly mates and we went for a long night of dinner and wine and the best conversation with a near-stranger that i had ever had.

the day after that, he left.

i walked him to the corner just before his cousin's place (her appartment was just down the street from where i lived, so i will forever be grateful to nancy-louise for her choice of locale) we hugged, kissed, said goodbye and turned to go our separate ways. my stomach did somersaults has we walked away from each other. a few paces away i turned to look at his cute english bum, only to meet his gaze. as i kept walking, my heart sunk and tears pushed their way out of the corners of my eyes.

i was sure i'd never see him again. how practical would it be, really? he was off to b.c. to climb some more mountains before heading home to the u.k. he left with my business card and a little note on the back to tell him what a pleasure it was to meet him.

no obligations, no strings attached, no expectations.

but, he emailed a few days later. i emailed a few days after that, and it continued for a month before i invited myself out west to meet up with him.

of course, in the month that passed, when i wasn't busy emailing him i lived at the rock gym, training so that i wouldn't make an arse of myself once i got out there.

my parents were furious. my friends, however, seemed thrilled. the beautiful girls at 114 glebe avenue drove me to the airport, and unlike my parents, expected to see me again. my mom was convinced this guy was going to lure me out to the mountains to kill me.

and now, he has whisked me away to the scotland. (so i guess in some ways, mom was right).

a year later. after trips to and from each others' countries, and two months of glorious treeplanting shit, and ups and downs and downs and ups. i am here, in edinburgh, and i couldn't be happier.

ryan, if you read this (and, i have, on occasion, caught you reading my blog) i apologize for posting the sappy details of everything up here for whomever to read. (though, i have left the best bits out)

but i'm not really sorry, because this story; my story; our story, is a good one. the best one.

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