Friday, April 13, 2007

great expectations

i once met a stranger halfway across the country. i didn't know what to expect.

'the only way this is going to work is if we go into it without expectations,' he said to me.

i quoted the stranger when speaking to a friend tonight about his apparant fear of dating.

'just ask her for coffee,' i says. 'you don't have to propose to her or anything. just go into the evening without any expectations. that's the only way there's any hope of it working.'

i speak from experience, you see.

in a day and a bit i am flying to the same location to meet the same person. the difference is he is no longer much of a stranger.

though, i reckon, the same rule still applies.


sweating in the beautiful beating sun
breaking my wrist
getting totally and utterly ripped (muscles not drunk)
being inspired
making thousands and thousands of dollars
being eaten by a bear
meeting fabulous people
breaking my back
making love after a hard day's work
getting frusterated with present company
swimming in the lake

all of/none of these things may/may not happen.

my plane might crash on the way there.
i might stop breathing in my sleep.

the only way we're gonna get through this is of we go into it with no expectations.

except for maybe a kiss. (that's both for me, and for my coffee asking friend.) separate kisses, of course . . .

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