Wednesday, April 4, 2007

mushy puke, panic and trees

am i freaking out? you better believe i'm freaking out. just puked up the mashed potatoes and corn and mushy peas i have been reluctant to try since i brought them home from england. they look like puke, so maybe that's what triggered it. that coupled with the thought that my plane to bc takes off in 11 days.

yesterday the fact that i am not packed was funny.

it no longer is.

and the one person who can actually calm me down cannot be reached.

the worry and stress and panic. the paranoia. who needs drugs when your paranoia and schizophrenia and neurosis are as bad as mine?

aside from the mushy peas and the realization that it really is go-time, is this:

Hi Jenn

My name is __________, I will be running the other planting crew for _________ in _________'s camp this summer. He passed along your email and
said you were interested in planting. I have some space on my crew if you
are still interested. You can email me back or give me a call anytime __________.

Thanks, look forward to hearing from you.

received by email at 5:27 pm. tonight. post-mushy peas. post 11-days-to-go-realization.

maybe i don't fully understand... if i am "still interested" he has "some space" on his crew. if i'm still interested.

hmmm, come to think of it, dude, no. i'm not. tomorrow is my last day of work and i have been planning on planting for your company since december and i have a one-way ticket to british columbia in less than two weeks, but naw, i think i'll pass.

i phoned, and though he sounded either stoned or stupid (the reception was bad, i'll give him that) he said it was all good.

i told him i didn't think there was any question of whether or not i was working for the company. i had applied in december. i was hired in february.

this is not the first time this fucking company has been incredibly confused. i'm thinking they don't speak the same language out there in 'da bush.'

it's all "like, you know, whatever dude."

it is as if the tree planting industry is run by a bunch of hippies.

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